What to do in Singkil ?

Singkil is s the departure point for island adventures to Pulau Banyak, Pulau Nias and Pulau Simeulue.

The town is very spread out and has not real centre, but these sleepy port is surroundet by The Singkil Swamps (Rawa Singkil) of 100 000 ha protected swamp forest on the western side of the river. The home for several species of high interest, such as Orangutans, Sumatran Tiger, Wild boar, Mouse deer, Saltwatter Crocodiles, very rich bird life (also Hornbills) and much more. The best way is to charter a small boat to get these unique experience.

You have a choice of two different tours :


Option 1. – Rawa Singkil tour

You will go deeper into the swamps, surrounded by jungle try to find the orangutans and another wildlife.

Cost – 850 000 Idr per person


Option 2. – Saltwater crocodile tour

You will search the river and follow the bays in the swamps, try to find the largest and most powerful reptile in the world – Crocodylus porosus.

Cost – 700 000 Idr per person